Editors and Collaborators

Chiara Salvia

Content writer
Project Manager
The idea for this blog came to me one morning when I decided to take a few hours off work. I was browsing through some unimportant news, just needing an excuse to stay comfortably nestled on the couch when suddenly I had an idea. As I often do, when I read things of little importance, I allowed my brain set sail for the farther shore and wander looking for interesting harbours. I realised that the new Life in Translation webpage needed a boost of energy and a blog was just the right thing, but not a blog to handle linguistic (sometimes perhaps) themes, as you might imagine for a page of linguistic mediation services, but a blog that would resemble my personal and professional life.Let me take the opportunity now to explain the aim of the blog by clarifying who I am. My name is Chiara Salvia and I started travelling as a child with my family, accompanying my father on his professional adventures from California to Saudi Arabia encountering a bunch of different cultures, languages and new landscapes on the way – very educational experiences to which I began to add solitary enterprises and travels around the world in the late 1980s. These trips, among other things, have allowed me to acquire the characteristics that today I try to summarise in the spirit of this blog: the first experiences of survival in pristine and uncontaminated nature, along with the desire to participate in an environmental recovery process through volunteering programs; the most important European cities and the great contradictions they hide while displaying their monuments and works of exceptional beauty. These kinds of things have generated my first reflections on the issue of systems ecology and their fragility.
I augmented my degree in languages (translation and interpretation), with some vocational training in the field of phytotherapy, herbal remedies and later naturopathy. The knowledge of natural healing arts and their enormous regenerative force has brought about a natural criticism of health, pharmaceutical and chemical production systems that enjoy institutional recognition and protection, sometimes regardless of their consequences on public and environmental health. So I have joined several movements and foundations struggling for environmental, social and economic justice in opposition to the great global organisations that blindly pursue their goals without any thought for the foundations of systems ecology.
During my first training period, I got acquainted with different techniques and practices of expressive and therapeutic movement. I had been a good gymnast as a child and it has been an incredible experience for me to get in touch with movement and my body through practices focused on body expression, on developmental movements patterns, laws of physics and applied biodynamics to let the mind and the body find their personal expressive way. These experiences confirmed my need to explore the integrity of the systems around me, starting with myself, my body and my thoughts.
On this blog, I’m trying to do my best to integrate my interests and keep constantly researching and studying material to find consistency and continuity towards a more ecological, genuine and sustainable lifestyle.
Our Collaborators

Orsetta Spinola

Responsabile di progetto
Interprete e Traduttrice

Italiana di nascita, cittadina del mondo per scelta, amo osservare la Natura e i suoi molteplici contatti con l’umanità. Credo nelle opinioni e nella riflessione. Mi fido degli altri e sono sempre alla ricerca di scambio e conoscenza.
Adoro i punti interrogativi, quanto a quelli esclamativi, ne abuso per entusiasmo, diffidando di ogni certezza.

Lali Valls Martínez

Poetess and Writer
Revisor and Translator

Ph.D. In Anglo-Germanic Phylology.
MBA IESE Business School; NLP Practitioner degree; Master NLP coaching degree.
5 times Spain’s National Squah Champion and Nr 24 at WISPA’s (Women Squash Players Association) in year 1988.
Sportsmanship Award by ESP (European Squash Federation) in year 1986.
She wrote and got published two books, Palabras robadas al mar, poetry, and Equilibrios cotidianos, stories.
Bilingual Spanish and Catalan, speaks and writes English and French, good understanding of Italian and Portuguese.
Currently working as Revisor and Translator.


Clara García Pujol

Social Media Expert

I have a degree in Sociology and a PhD specialization in Gender, Science and Education. I have also deepened in communication and dissemination tools through a postgraduate course in social networks and editorial management of scientific and educational journals.
Currently I work as a Social Sciences teacher combining it with my passion for the translation of specialized texts and books for children and teenagers.


Diane Dennis

Proofreader and Editor

Nature lover…. Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text.Text

Alexandra Lasicki

Graphic Designer
Dancer & Movement Artist

I am, what I am. Call me by my name, give me a title, but never put me in a box. 🙂 I can tell you my professions, but what I love the most is creating, writing, designing, of course dancing and circus stuff. I do everything with love. That’s when I achieve the best results. When an eye for beauty, an illuminated heart, and an open mind work together, the outcome is always good.